Campus Security: Safe Zone—Safe Student

October 24, 2023, 09:38
University news

At Karshi State University, "Shield", the peacekeeping brigade, operates under the principle of "Safe Zone—Safe Student".  There are 20 male student volunteers who make up the brigade. The brigade was established according to the order of the Rector of Karshi State University dated May 28, 2022. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and other officials who visited the university during the past year acknowledged and positively evaluated this experience.

KarSU authority gives the brigade the power and responsibility to take collective action to maintain peace and security.

Every day, the security brigade needs to deal with a wide variety of situations. Their responsibility covers general security and crime prevention around campus. They are required to attend reactive situations such as fire alarm activations, calls for first aid, parking problems, disturbances and disputes, vandalism, and lost and found property.

Starting from the current academic year, according to the joint decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the National Guard, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, and all types of higher educational institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, the “Shield” pacekeeping brigades are launched in these institutions.

It is vital to mention that a safer campus attracts students. Most students have viewed the brigade as helpful and supportive.