KarSU Performing Arts Students Met with Famous Turkish Director

September 20, 2023, 04:55
University news

On September 13, 2023, the chief director of Maltepa Theatre of Turkey, Kubilay Erdilikara, visited Karshi State University and met with the university professors and students. In the meeting, Kubilay Erdilikara shared his related experiences and prior achievements in the field and discussed the prosperities of supporting the university theatre team and its participation on international stages.

At Karshi State University, the students’ theatre club, Qaqnus, was established last year, and a number of amateur performing arts students have provided exceptional arts programming to university students and to the public at the highest levels.

During the visit, the students performed the play "Cain and Abel". The Turkish artist warmly acknowledged the performances of young actors. The meeting was highly motivational and inspiring for amateur students.

Kubilay Erdilikara favoured the students' suggestions to hold regular meetings and to expand further internships with theatres in Turkey.