“Baygenç” Publishing House Presents Collaborative Book Highlighting Women’s Achievements in Uzbekistan
In Alanya, Turkey, the “Baygenç” publishing house, in collaboration with Uzbekistan’s “Shine” Girls Academy, held the presentation of a book titled "O'zbekistonning Umidli Chechaklari" (Hopeful Flowers of Uzbekistan). This book features the creative works of talented and active women who are making significant contributions across various fields in our country.
We are pleased to announce that the book includes an article titled “Bola miyasini shakllantirish omillari” (Factors Influencing Child Brain Development) by Sevinch Erkinova, a fourth-year student in the English Philology and Language Teaching program at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Karshi State University. We sincerely congratulate our student on this achievement!
Such initiatives undoubtedly strengthen literary, scientific, cultural, and friendly ties between our two nations.