"Green Space" Movement Kicked off in KarSU on October 25

November 10, 2023, 11:52
University news

In Uzbekistan, protecting the environment has reached the level of state policy. The annual "Green Space" movement kicked off on October 25 throughout Uzbekistan.

"Green Space" movement representatives and volunteer students, as well as the regional governor Murodjon Azimov and rectors of regional universities, planted trees and flowers around the university's campus as part of this project. Moreover, they pruned dead branches from shrub trees, trimmed overgrown bushes into shape, mowed the lawns, and cleaned the territory of rubbish. They aimed at transforming the university into a green and sustainable campus. Green spaces contribute to a cooler overall environment, improve air quality, and reduce stress in those who work and study on campus.

During the movement, more than two thousand ornamental and fruit trees, such as black pine, oak, Japanese saffron, catalpa, almond, apricot, plum, and cherry trees, were planted.